Scanning station, before the count started. From left: scanner, double screen, PC with card reader, bar-code reader. The PCs were tiny - perhaps net booted? The bar-code reader was used to register each ballot box before its contents were scanned. I never saw the bar-code reader used on a ballot paper.
Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL, 28mm, 1/40s, f2.8, ISO400
From the increasingly frequent rebooting of the scanner stations later in the day, the PCs looked to be booting Windows XP from a local disk, then running the count software from a shared network drive.
posted by Ian Brown on 3 May 2008, 10:15
The barcode reader was used to scan the barcode on each new ballot box as it was opened for counting. The barcodes on the back of the ballot papers were scanned by the scanning machine at the same time as the front of the papers.
posted by Ian Brown on 3 May 2008, 10:16
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